“Hanukkah in Chelm”

Hanukkah in ChelmThis December, Kol Halev Performance Ensemble presents a feast of holiday fun with Hanukkah in Chelm! In this fantastical fable, the villagers of Chelm try to get Hanukkah to last all year long instead of just eight days. Needless to say, complications and hilarity (as well as tap dancing) ensue.

Auditions for our Fall show!

Kol Halev Performance Ensemble is seeking actors, singers and /or dancers for next fall’s remounting of Hanukkah in Chelm, a family-oriented musical comedy.

Tap Stew – May 27th, 2011

Look for Kol Halev to be performing as part of this annual tap-stravaganza! We will be performing “Ha-lachma”, an exciting body percussion afro-Jewish fusion dance that symbolizes freedom from oppression. The show …

Kol Halev to perform at “Tap That!”

It’s the tappiest show in town as West Coast Tap Dance Collective brings together top tap dancing talent for a one day show celebrating the art of tap dancing. And Kol Halev will be there, performing the crowd pleasing “Paatch Dance”.

“You Oughta Be In Pictures” – Gala fundraiser for Jewish Museum

Cover Girl

The Jewish Historical Society of BC will be holding its second annual Gala celebration, taking place on June 3rd, 2009. Kol Halev will be providing the entertainment for the evening, a three-part presentation which will include everything from traditional Klezmer music to folk dances to tap… plus a surprise or two!