Get Involved

Our musical theatre company is growing – and so are the opportunities to volunteer your time with our organization.

There are a multitude of tasks involved in keeping Kol Halev running. They include group information updates, email schedules, organizing binders, arranging our cast parties, copying our DVD’s and CDs, writing thank-yous to our supporters, writing about our events for newspapers etc., assisting with videotaping our rehearsals, costume organization, and general administration.

If you have specific skills that you can bring to our group, we’d love to hear from you!

We also look for volunteers who have knowledge of theatre or performing arts, business, law, accounting, grant writing and other professional skills useful in the maintenance and development of a young musical theatre company.

Do you have skills in any of the areas of computers, administration, fundraising, business management? Have you ever applied for society or charitable status or written a business plan?

We also need a Volunteer Coordinator  to match people with appropriate jobs and tasks.

The time commitment would range from one to six hours a week. Whatever you can offer is appreciated.

For more information, please call Sue Cohene at (604) 263-6844 or email

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